サイゴン空手道松濤館大島道場 毎週 火・木曜日 07 時 @Riverside

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Vocabulary for advanced !

Oneichi (ee-chee)
Twoni (nee)
Threesan (sahn)
Fourshi (shee)
Fivego (goh)
Sixroku (roh-koo)
Sevenshichi (shee-chee)
Eighthachi (hah-chee)
Nineku (koo) / kyū (kyoo)
Tenjū (joo)
Head instructor/Master instructor (of an organization) *(see Notes at the end)shihan (shee-hahn)
Instructor *(see Notes at the end)sensei (sehn-seh-ee)
Training halldōjō (doh-joh)
Training uniformkeiko gi (keh-ee-koh gee)/gi (gee)
Training uniform beltobi (oh-bee)
Vocal expulsion of airkiai (kee-ah-ee)
Black Belt rankdan (dahn)
White/Brown belt rankkyū (kyoo)
Meditationmokusō (moh-koo-soh)
Bowrei (reh-ee)/lei (leh-ee)
Assume stancekamaete (kah-mah-eh-teh)
Get readyyōi (yoh-ee)
Beginhajime (hah-jee-meh)
Pivot/assume opposite directionkaette (kah-eht-teh)
Stopyame (yah-meh)
At easeyasume (yah-soo-meh)
Basic trainingkihon (kee-hohn)
Formal exercise/formskata (kah-tah)
Sparringkumite (koo-mee-teh)
Escape techniquestorite (toh-ree-teh)
Throwing techniquesnagewaza (nah-geh-wah-zah)
Foot sweepashibarai (ah-shee-bah-rah-ee)
Maximum effectiveness/ focus of techniqueskime (kee-meh)
Pulling handhikite (hee-kee-teh)
Breathing center in lower abdomentanden (tahn-dehn)
Getting into the opponentirimi (ee-ree-mee)
Elbow Attacksenpi (ehn-pee)/ empi(ehm-pee)
Jumping-in attacktobikomi (toh-bee-koh-mee)
Continuous Techniquesrenzoku waza (rehn-zoh-koo wah-zah)
Punching boardmakiwara (mah-kee-wah-rah)
Staffbō (boh)
Standing Forms:Tachikata (tah-chee-kah-tah) Tachi (tah-chee) changes to dachi (dah-chee) when used after other words.
Front stancezenkutsu-dachi (zehn-koo-tsoo-dah-chee)
Back stancekōkutsu-dachi (koh-koo-tsoo-dah-chee)
Horse riding stancekiba-dachi (kee-bah-dah-chee)
Immovable stancefudō-dachi (foo-doh-dah-chee)
Cat stancenekoashi-dachi (neh-koh-ah-shee-dah-chee)
Natural stanceshizentai (shee-zehn-tah-ee)
Close-leg stanceheisoku-dachi (heh-ee-soh-koo-dah-chee)
Half-facing stancehanmi-dachi (hahn-mee-dah-chee)
Open-leg stancehachiji-dachi (hah-chee-jee-dah-chee)
BlocksUke (oo-keh) Harai (hah-rah-ee) changes to barai (bah-rah-ee) when used after other words. Harai is one kind of block.
Downward blockgedan-barai (geh-dahn-bah-rah-ee)
Rising blockage-uke (ah-geh-oo-keh)
Forearm blockude-uke (oo-deh-oo-keh)
Hammer blocktetsui-uke (teh-tsoo-ee-oo-keh)/tettsui-uke (teht-tsoo-ee-oo-keh)
Knife-hand blockshutō-uke (shoo-toh-oo-keh)
Cross-arm blockjūji-uke (joo-jee-oo-keh)
Two-hand blockmorote-uke (moh-roh-the-oo-keh)
Palm-heel blockteishō-uke (teh-ee-shoh-oo-keh)
Hand TechniquesTe Waza (teh-wah-zah) Thrust tsuki (tsoo-kee) changes to zuki (zoo-kee) when used after other words.
Lunge punchoi-zuki (oh-ee-zoo-kee)
Reverse punchgyaku-zuki (gyah-koo-zoo-kee)
Jabmaete (mah-eh-teh)
Continuous punches alternating handsbari-bari (bah-ree-bah-ree)
Continuous punching attacksrenzoku-zuki (rehn-zoh-koo-zoo-kee)/ren-zuki (rehn-zoo-kee)
Punching with horse riding stancekibadachi-zuki (kee-bah-dah-chee-zoo-kee)
Double punchmorote-zuki (moh-roh-teh-zoo-kee)
Hook punchkagi-zuki (kah-gee-zoo-kee)
Palm-heelteishō (teh-ee-shoh)
Rising punchage-zuki (ah-geh-zoo-kee)
Striking TechniquesUchi Waza (oo-chee-wah-zah)
Back-fist strikeuraken-uchi (oo-rah-kehn-oo-chee)
Bottom-fist striketetsui-uchi (teh-tsoo-ee-oo-chee)/ tettsui-uchi (teht-tsoo-ee-oo-chee)
Knife-hand strikeshutō-uchi (shoo-toh-oo-chee)
Spear-handnukite (noo-kee-teh)
Two-finger spear-handnihon-nukite (nee-hohn-noo-kee-teh)
Fore-fistseiken (seh-ee-kehn)
Fore-knuckle fisthiraken (hee-rah-kehn)
One-knuckle fistippon-ken (eep-pohn-kehn)
Middle finger/knuckle fistnakadaka-ken (nah-kah-dah-kah-kehn)
Ridge-handhaitō (hah-ee-toh)
KicksKeri (keh-ree) Keri (keh-ree) changes to geri (geh-ree) when used after other words.
Front kickmae-geri (mah-eh-geh-ree)
Round kickmawashi-geri (mah-wah-shee-geh-ree)
Side-thrust kickyokogeri-kekomi (yoh-koh-geh-ree-keh-koh-mee)
Side-up kickyokogeri-keage (yoh-koh-geh-ree-keh-ah-geh)
Crescent kickmikazuki-geri (mee-kah-zoo-kee-geh-ree)
Stamping kickfumikomi (foo-mee-koh-mee)
Rear kickushiro-geri hiro_geri.mp3″> (oo-shee-roh-geh-ree)
Double front kicknidan-geri (nee-dahn-geh-ree)
Flying front kicktobi-geri (toh-bee-geh-ree)
Flying side-thrust kicktobi-yokogeri (toh-bee-yoh-koh-geh-ree)
Front kick with front legmaeashi-geri (mah-eh-ah-shee-geh-ree)
Front-thrust kickmaeashi-kekomi (mah-eh-ah-shee-keh-koh-mee)
Continuous kicksrenzoku-geri (rehn-zoh-koo-geh-ree)
Foot edgesokutō (soh-koo-toh)
Heelkakato (kah-kah-toh)
Kneecaphizagashira (hee-zah-gah-shee-rah)
Sparring:Kumite (koo-mee-teh) Kumite (koo-mee-teh) often becomes gumite (goo-mee-teh) when used after other words.
Basic one-time sparringkihon ippon gumite (kee-hohn eep-pohn goo-mee-teh)
Free one-time sparringjiyū-ippon gumite (jee-yoo-eep-pohn goo-mee-teh)
Three-time sparringsanbon gumite (sahn-bohn goo-mee-teh)
Five-time sparringgohon gumite (goh-hohn goo-mee-teh)
Free-stylejiyū kumite (jee-yoo koo-mee-teh)
Upper bodyjōdan (joh-dahn)
Middle bodychūdan (choo-dahn)
Lower bodygedan (geh-dahn)
Distance, timing, and other things between opponentsma (mah)
Matchshiai (shee-ah-ee)
Bowrei (reh-ee) / lei (leh-ee)
One point matchshōbu ippon (shoh-boo eep-pohn)
Beginhajime (hah-jee-meh)
Stopyame (yah-meh)
Clashaiuchi (ah-ee-oo-chee)
I award no pointtorimasen (toh-ree-mah-sehn)
Continuetsuzukete (tsoo-zoo-keh-teh)
One more timemō ichido (moh ee-chee-doh)
End of matchsoko made (soh-koh mah-deh) / sore made (soh-reh mah-deh)
Half-pointwaza ari (wah-zah ah-ree)
Pointippon (eep-pohn)
Two half-points equal one pointwaza ari awasete ippon (wah-zah ah-ree ah-wah-seh-teh eep-pohn)
Drawhikiwake (hee-kee-wah-keh)
Redaka (ah-kah)
Whiteshiro (shee-roh)
Red is the winneraka no kachi (ah-kah noh kah-chee)
Refereeshinpan (sheen-pahn) / shimpan (sheem-pahn)
Throwing TechniquesNagewaza (nah-geh-wah-zah)
to topple a folding screenByōbudaoshi (byoh-boo-dah-oh-shee)
spinning topKomanage (koh-mah-nah-geh)
encircle the neckKubiwa (koo-bee-wah)
half wheelKatawaguruma (kah-tah-wah-goo-roo-mah)
‘v’ turning swallowTsubamegaeshi (tsoo-bah-meh-gah-eh-shee)
to spear a ballYaridama (yah-ree-dah-mah)
to push off a cliffTaniotoshi (tah-nee-oh-toh-shee)
to encircle with the armUdewa (oo-deh-wah)
to hammer upside downSakatsuchi (sah-kah-tsoo-chee)
Performer of the techniquetori (toh-ree)
Receiver of the techniqueuke (oo-keh)
Falling techniquesukemi (oo-keh-mee)

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